30-Minute Masterclasses
Welcome to our 30-Minute Masterclasses. Below you’ll find our Autumn 2021 schedule.
Each 30-Minute Masterclass is led by Scomis experts in their fields. They’re all free of charge. And each 30-Minute masterclass will run for – can you guess? – a manageable 30 minutes. We’ve gone for this short and sweet approach to help you fit them into your day.
Places are limited, so please make sure you book the courses that interest you right away. We’ll send you a calendar invite and a reminder nearer the time.
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Showing 14 results
Getting the most from your MyScomis self-service portal
30-Minute Masterclass – finished
Essential viewing! Our 30-Minute Masterclass on the brand new self-service portal. We’ll look at the FAQs from MyScomis’s first ten days. You will learn how to get the very best from Scomis by blending calls to our Service Desk with your mastery of the integrated knowledge articles in the portal.
Business Managers, Data Managers, School Administrators
Ofsted: when an inspector calls! Personal Development
30-Minute Masterclass – finished
Ofsted’s Personal Development judgement evaluates schools’ intent to provide for the personal development of all pupils, and the quality with which this work is implemented.
Spiritual, moral, social and cultural (SMSC) is evaluated as part of the Personal Development judgement as is Relationships and Sex Education (RSE).
In this 30-Minute Masterclass we show you how you can best use your MIS to monitor and track these criteria and improvements.
Staff with responsibility for Personal Development
Review and improve your remote education provision via Google Workspace for Education in line with DfE guidance
30-Minute Masterclass – finished
In September 2021, DfE issued new guidance on remote education provision. So in this 30-Minute Masterclass we’ll help you
1. Identify and brush up on best practice in Google Workspace for Education
2. Plan efficient use of Google Classrooms and Google collaboration areas
3. Use Google to solve problems for teaching and learning
4. Streamline communications to improve collaboration and engagement with stakeholders on a trust or school level
Directors Of Learning, Heads of Faculty, School Improvement Leads, Senior Leadership
Have You Done Your SIMS Housekeeping?
30-Minute Masterclass – finished
Did you know that SIMS Housekeeping routines will help to improve data accuracy and aid GDPR compliance? This 30-Minute Masterclass will run through SIMS Housekeeping routines you can do now and on a regular basis. Including:
• Permissions required
• Deletion of Unlinked Persons/Contacts
• Bulk updates
• Merging Agents and Agencies
• Archiving Attendance
Data Managers, School Administrators
Cybersecurity for all leaders in education
30-Minute Masterclass – finished
Keeping the school systems safe from cyber crime is everyone’s job, but how can you do this? In this Masterclass on cybersecurity, we:
1. Share insights into why the education sector is targeted by criminals
2. Present steps to follow that mitigate your risk
3. Show you the ways school leadership, parents and governors can improve their resilience to phishing and other plausible threats
4. Finally, if the worst happens, we’ll share some best practice guidance for your cybersecurity recovery plan
There’s a 10-minute Q&A at the end of the 20-minute presentation.
Compliance Managers, Data Protection Officers, Governors in Schools/MATs, Senior Leadership
Top 10 tips to save 10 minutes
30-Minute Masterclass – finished
The latest of our ever-popular Tips & Tricks Masterclasses that help you save time when using SIMS. Come and see the new entries in the Top 10 and maybe share your own top tip!
Users Of SIMS
Ofsted: when an inspector calls! Quality of Learning
30-Minute Masterclass – finished
Ofsted splits up the ‘quality of education’ judgement into three curriculum concepts:
Intent: your curriculum plan, including its design, structure and sequence.
Implementation: how you teach and assess your intended curriculum.
Impact: the outcomes for your pupils as a result of the education they’ve received.
This 30-Minute Masterclass looks at how schools can use their MIS to monitor and track these criteria.
Headteachers, Senior Leadership
Assessing and reporting the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) statutory framework & profile in SIMS
30-Minute Masterclass – finished
Changes to the Early years foundation stage (EYFS) statutory framework became law in September 2021. The early years foundation stage coronavirus disapplications are no longer in force and all early years providers must meet the requirements set out in the statutory framework for the early years foundation stage.
This 30-Minute Masterclass shows you how SIMS tools will help you comply with these requirements by monitoring and recording assessment and progress in this area.
EYFS Leads (Primary)
Closing the Gap and Catch-up Funding
30-Minute Masterclass – finished
Children from disadvantaged backgrounds are likely to have been affected particularly severely by school closures and online learning, and may need more support to return to school and settle back into school life. This 30-Minute Masterclass illustrates how we can support you to address these challenges and take advantage of the funding available.
Headteachers, Senior Leadership
Assessing Relationships and Sex Education in SIMS
30-Minute Masterclass – finished
By the end of this academic year, all schools are required to have taught some of the new compulsory curriculum, published a policy, and consulted parents.
In this 30-Minute Masterclass we show you around the SIMS tools that help you monitor and record assessment and progress in this area.
Relationships and Sex Education Leads (Primary or Secondary)