Our Partners
We work with carefully selected educational partners from around the UK who share the same ethos and values as Scomis. This means that whilst offering choice, our customers can have the peace of mind that we will only work with like-minded organisations who are also focussed on delivering the best possible customer experience.
Our current partners include:

Go to https://123ict.co.uk/

Go to https://arbor-education.com/

Go to https://bromcom.com/

Go to https://www.buckinghamshire.gov.uk/

Go to https://clickdrift.com/

Go to https://www.getech.co.uk/

Go to https://edu.google.com/intl/ALL_uk/products/workspace-for-education/

Go to https://greymatterlearning.co.uk/

Go to https://www.hertsforlearning.co.uk/

Go to https://www.redstor.com/

Go to https://rocketpeople.co.uk/

Go to https://www.thesafeguardingcompany.com/

Go to https://www.sips.co.uk/

Go to https://www.strictlyeducation.co.uk/

Go to https://www.westberks.gov.uk/

Go to https://www.wonde.com/