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Scomis Newsletter 20th June 2024

In this week’s newsletter; learn more about ScoBI with our discovery webinars, book important CPD and training in the summer and new academic year, help us improve your service by providing us with customer feedback, and ensure you are up to speed on key stage guidance.

Unlocking MIS data intelligence for MAT central teams

ScoBI logo in teal

  • Do your schools use one or more MIS systems?
  • Do you regularly review reports with consolidated MIS Data (prepared for you by your Trust wide Data Manager)?
  • Would you like to find out how Scomis can help your Trust find simpler and more efficient ways to gather data for leadership and school improvement?

ScoBI is a web-based solution which gathers data overnight and combines it into ready to use dashboards for your Trust.

If you would like to explore how ScoBI can help your Trust gather data intelligence from multiple MIS used in your schools, please sign up to attend one of our webinars using the links below:

5 July 2024 at 10:00 (Duration – 45 minutes)

11 July 2024 at 10:00 am (Duration – 45 minutes)

16 July 2024 at 2:00 pm (Duration – 45 minutes)

Following the webinar, we would be happy to provide a quotation and more information about our 30-day free trial.

If you have a series of reports which you need to run before the end of term where you feel that ScoBI could assist you in saving valuable time in data collation and would like to arrange a demonstration sooner, please email us and your account manager would be happy to arrange a demonstration at your convenience.

Summer and Autumn training schedule

Our summer and autumn term training is now available for you to book. Click here to view all of our courses and book your place. If the session you are after is fully booked, you can still get in touch using our training enquiry form to ensure you get a slot when the next session is scheduled.

How are we doing?

At Scomis one of our guiding principles is to put you, our customers, at the heart of everything we do.

To ensure we continue to meet and exceed your expectations we need your valuable feedback, so, in each newsletter we will be asking for just a few moments of your time to rate us on a simple question.

This week we are asking: over the last six months, how would you rate Scomis in delivering the outcomes we have promised and dealing with any issues that arose?

Please click this link to choose your rating.

Hey Vanessa!

What are the changes regarding KS1 results this year?

I’m glad you asked! You can find all the changes and MIS key stage guidance in our MyScomis article or our  FAQ.