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Producing the School Workforce Census – Tutor Led Training

The School Workforce Census Return is required to be run by English schools in the maintained sector. These include Community, Foundation, Voluntary Aided and Voluntary Controlled schools, Academies, Free Schools and Pupil Referral Units. We've listened to our customer feedback, and are delighted to be able to offer this course as Tutor led Training to complement the Online (ScoLearn) course.

On request
9.00am - 12.30pm
£136 for Scomis customers, £177 for non-customers
Half Day
Course type
Remote tutor led course

Course Content:

The reference date for the school workforce census will be the first Thursday in November.

This course will guide you through the steps to preparing and producing the School Workforce Census.

Also Consider:

Personnel for New Users in SIMS – Tutor Led Training (