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Cover in SIMS – Tutor Led Training

Understand how to set up, customise and implement Cover to manage all aspects of classroom staff absence and room unavailability. Explore the dynamic links of the module to other areas of SIMS. Review the classroom staff absence and cover statistics. Analyse the impact of absent classroom staff on students.

18th September 2024
9.00am - 12.30pm
£136 for Scomis customers and £177 for non-customers
Half Day
Course type
Remote tutor led course
Available Dates
18th September 2024

Benefits of attending

Learn how to manage classroom staff absence using SIMS Cover.

What you will learn

• How to use Cover to arrange cover and declare teaching staff absences.
• Global settings available to customise the module.
• Links with records in SIMS Personnel.
• Manage supply staff cover.
• Manage room closures and re-rooming.
• Publish cover arrangements.
• Produce cover statistics and student impact summaries.

Who is it for?

Staff involved in the cover process. Knowledge of your school’s cover policy would be useful.

Also Consider:
Personnel for New Users in SIMS – Tutor Led Training (

Reporting from Personnel – Tutor Led Training (